£300 – £500
Head and Shoulders
Dry Media
£2,000 – £3,000
Head and Shoulders
Oil on Canvas
£5,000 – £10,000
Half Figure
Oil on Canvas
£10,000 – £20,000
Full or
Three Quarter Figure
Oil on Canvas
The portraits here are built up in several stages. The process begins with a monotone underpainting to establish the composition and values. In subsequent layers, the shadows, lights and halftones are developed using fine pigments and subtle glazes, while the portrait’s tonal foundation creates depth from within.
Portraits from life usually require 4 to 6 sittings of about 2 or 3 hours each. Where sittings are not an option, suitable photographic reference can be used. A portrait will normally take around 3 months to complete.

On leaving Ravensbourne Art College in the late nineteen seventies, I worked in Fleet Street, drawing portraits in ink of political figures for the national and international press.
In the late nineties, after a long career in commercial art, I returned to portraiture, learning traditional oil painting techniques from David Cranswick, a specialist in old master materials.
Today my studio is in Sevenoaks, Kent, where I paint portraits to commission for a range of clients in the UK and overseas.